Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Sunday afternoon I went to see Mamma Mia! The Movie and couldn't believe what I discovered; Matt Doan looks like Colin Firth! I have loved Colin Firth (in a movie star crush sort of way) since he was the wonderful Mr. Darcy in the TV mini series version of Pride and Prejudice. I have loved Matt Doan (in a thankful parent of a high schooler in his youth group sort of way) for the last 3 years. However, I have NEVER seen this resemblance before. For verification I immediately leaned over to my good friend Julia to share what I'd discovered. She gasped in agreement and couldn't believe that she'd never noticed it either. So, are we just a couple of 40-something-yr-old women who've completely lost it, or does anyone else see what we see?


Anonymous said...

how funny... who knew? Maybe Matt can use this to his advantage in his new role as Community Outreach Pastor.
Naw... people are usually pretty star struck and uncomfortable around celebrities. The exact opposite way most people feel around Matt Doan (I also mean that in the "thankful parent of a high schooler in his youth group" sort of way). He'll do great just being himself.

Anonymous said...

Mammma Mia?????????/