Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blogging? No Way...It's VBS Week!!!

My head is filled with about 1000 stories from VBS and it's only Tuesday! I'm in charge of the crews in the 3rd grade lime green group, Kendall is an assistant leader in my group, RJ is in charge of recreation and Mitchell is just enjoying being a VBS attender in the 4th grade red group. I don't even have enough time or brain power to put the excitement of our Power Lab experience into words. So...here are a few pictures to give you a feel for how the week is going so far.RJ getting Joy to say the Bible verse at the end of recreation on Monday.

Mitchell's red mohawk

I found this in front of Kendall's door after her 2nd day of working with a group of 3rd grade girls. PS -- She napped for 5-1/2 hours before I woke her up. I love when teenagers get exhausted for Jesus!